I believe in Tom Bombadil


I enjoyed Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies, I really think it's the best book adaptation ever filmed. Yes, but… as a big fan of the Tolkienverse, I missed this cheesy character from the novels. I know, a tough guy like me shouldn't, but I can't help it.

The Fellowship of Silly Walks

One of my all-time best sellers and personal favourite. As I said before, I’m a big fan of Tolkien. And, FYI, I'm also a big fan of certain British comedians. Picture it: the Monty Python meet the Felloship of the Ring, what could go wrong? It'll be a long way to Mordor!

John Ellis of CERN

Funny story: I made this T-shirt of John Ellis for a friend of mine (a Maths teacher, though) and uploaded it to my store at Neatoshop. Somehow, the CERN scientist noticed it and asked them not to take down the design, but to send him some samples for free! And there he is, John Ellis himself at his messy desk, wearing a tee of John Ellis at his messy desk… Sooo meta. Thanks for the pics, sir!

Nuria Pié

Yeah, I know, there's more than tees in life. Like trifolds. I designed this one for Nuria Pié's AltaPhone®, a handmade ceramics amplifier for cell phones and a beautiful decorative piece for your home.